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Live Program – Annual Urs Mubarak 2024

Dargah Allahabad Sharif, November 22, 2024

The Annual Urs Mubarak of Huzoor Sohna Saeen RA is an occasion filled with Faiz and blessings, which are hard to describe in words, however they need to be felt, one who goes once, wants to keep going.

  • Urs Mubarak Hazrat Sohna Saeen 2018 (24th & 25th November 2018) The grand congregation of Jama’t Islah-ul-Muslimeen to celebrate the 35th annual Urs of Hazrat Sohna Saeen Naqshbandi is being held at Dargah Allahabad Sharif, near Kandiaro in Sindh, on 24th and 25th November 2018. 
  • The Annual Urs Mubarak of Huzoor Sohna Saeen RA is an occasion filled with Faiz and blessings, which are hard to describe in words, however they need to be felt, one who goes once, wants to keep going. 
  • Urs Mubaak Hazrat Sohna Saeen 2017 (9-10 December 2017)
    Live video feed is available on https://alislah.pk.


  • Urs Mubarak Hazrat Sohna Saeen 2016 (3rd-4th December 2016) The grand congregation of Jama’t Islah-ul-Muslimeen to celebrate the 33rd annual Urs of Hazrat Sohna Saeen Naqshbandi is being held at Dargah Allahabad Sharif, near Kandiaro in Sindh, on 3rd and 4th December 2016.


  • Urs Mubarak Hazrat Sohna Saeen 2015 (28 November 2015) The grand congregation of Jama’t Islah-ul-Muslimeen to celebrate the 31st annual Urs of Hazrat Sohna Saeen Naqshbandi is being held at Dargah Allahabad Sharif, near Kandiaro in Sindh, on 28 and 29 November 2015. The final session will begin at 09:00 am (PST) on Sunday 29 November and will continue till afternoon. This will include a … Read more


  • Urs Mubarak Hazrat Sohna Saeen 2014 (24 September 2014) Annual Urs Mubarak of the great saint of Sindh Hadhrat Sohnā Sāeen will be held on 22 and 23 November 2014 at Allāhābād sharīf, Kandiāro, Naushehro Feroz district, Sindh, Pakistan. This great spiritual congregation will be attended by hundreds of thousands of the murids and followers of Sufism. Many will come from countries abroad to attend …Read more

Popular Links:

Speech by Hazrat Sajjan Saeen 22nd May 2016 Karachi

Length (52:32)

Speech by Hazrat Sajjan Saeen at Annual URS Mubaarak Huzoor Pir Mitha R.A -March 2016…
Length (42:05)

Mobile Website in Urdu:

Our mobile website in Urdu contains some articles from the book Jalwa Gah-e-Dost authored by our beloved shaykh Hazrat Sajjan Saeen. Visit it here.

Media Wing:

Jammat Islah ul muslimmen Media wing,  is a sub organisation of Islah ul Muslimeen. Our work of tabligh on the internet began in 2000 under the guidance of Mehboob Sajjan Saeen. Our aim is to broadcast Our Jamaat’s programs on the internet so viewers all over the world can benefit from the blessed words of our Sheikh.

Official YouTube Channel:

The official YouTube channel of Jama’t Islah-ul-Muslimeen contains many video recordings of major events, lectures, Naats, Manqabats and other videos. Visit it here.

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